FAQ’s about your flooring estimate

Your flooring estimate itemises ALL of the products and services that have been discussed & a cost for each of these items. It gives you perfect clarity on where your money is going, so there are no misunderstandings on what’s included. If you think we have missed something, get in touch and we can alter this before the next stage. Your estimate may include any special requirements or instructions should they be required.

We also send a copy of our Terms & Conditions which sets out how we wish to do business and what you can expect from and vice versa.

All estimates are valid for 30 days from the date they are sent. If you instruct us to go ahead after the 30 day period we will need to check costs & adjust the estimate if necessary.

That’s perfectly fine, please contact the team & we’ll be happy to do those for you.

We generally find that if our estimate of works is higher then you expected, it is because we may have included extra services or more expensive flooring products have been selected. There may be additional areas or site specific requirements then initially envisaged.

The only way to truly compare our estimate, is to make sure any other quotes are for the same flooring & services.  We pride ourselves on being competitive for our customers, it why we have the Barefoot Quote Beater policy!

If your quote is higher than you expected, please contact us here at the store and we will help you to meet your budget requirements.

Great news! You can either call or email the team and we will get the ball rolling for you & guide you through the next steps. We will discuss deposits, payments, installation dates and any other points relevant to your order. We’ll produce the paperwork to send over to you with payment instructions and the fitting information. Good Choice by the way!


Of course, it’s a big decision and one that needn’t be rushed. We’ll give you a few days to digest all the information and mull it over….we’ll then give you a call to ask if you have any questions or queries or if you need to change anything. We’ll then leave you to make your choices.

Ah, that’s a shame! We’re sure youll be happy with your final decisions…. Can we ask a small favour? We’d really appreciate your feedback on the experience so far and if you’ve got any suggestions on how we can improve, we’d love to hear them.

FAQ’s about your installation

Feel free to pop the kettle on, but of course they generally want to arrive and get started. To help them do this they will need your furniture, personal possessions and electrical devices such as TV’s etc. out of the room, along with any old floorcoverings that have been previously fitted. If you have arranged for us to move your furniture/appliances and uplift & dispose of your old flooring then you can put your feet up and relax….but if you remove the family heirlooms that would be great!

Installation takes place generally between the hours of 9-5, although in some instances it may be slightly earlier or later. Due to the nature of the work, it is not always possible to give an accurate time slot. If you’d like to call us on the day of fitting, we’ll do our best to give you a narrower arrival timeframe

At the point of installation, it may become apparent that additional works may be required that haven’t been included in your estimate/invoice. We will talk this through with you and give you the cost for any additions prior to undertaking the works.

*Please note that we cannot connect/disconnect any gas or electric appliances and we cannot undertake any plumbing work

Please give us as much notice as possible if you need to rearrange your fitting appointment, we can generally accommodate most changes. If we turn up and the areas aren’t ready for fitting, we may have to implement a charge if we can’t pull other work forward to cover the fitter’s wages for that day. We will then reschedule for the next mutually convenient date.

We kindly ask that final balances are paid within 48 hours of completion.

We endeavour to leave your home/business clear of rubbish and any excess materials. Where possible we will sweep/vacuum the floors post installation. You may find that some dust will accumlate after our installation clean-up.

Should you find something you’re unhappy with please get in touch as soon as possible after installation. While snagging is not frequent, it is a common aspect of any trade and the fitting of new flooring. For your peace of mind we provide a 2 year (12 months for commercial work) guarantee on all fitting.


We hope you love the finished results. We’d love to see some photos (ideally posted to Facebook or Instagram), and if you could take the time to write a few words about your Barefoot experience we’ll send you some vouchers as a thank you.

Thank you for shopping with us. If you do have a friend or family member looking for flooring at any point in the future check out our ‘recommend a friend’ offer. (Vouchers for you, discounts for them).

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